In accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation (EU) on Data Protection, by accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the personal data you provide through the website https :// (hereinafter WEBSITE) are included in a file of “WEB USERS AND SUBSCRIBERS” as well as “CUSTOMERS AND/OR SUPPLIERS”. To this end, a person responsible for the processing of your personal data has been designated who is responsible for supervising the questions related to this privacy notice. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice, including requests to exercise your rights, please contact the data controller using the contact details below:


Your NIF: 10875344R

Trade Name: El Jardín del Zoco

Its registered office for these purposes is at Centro Comercial El Zoco 24. Calahonda (29649) Mijas Costa

Contact Email:

Social activity is: Sale of florist items.

All of this duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency and with respect to which MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ guarantees that the organizational and technical security measures required by the GDPR have been applied.

This Privacy Policy will only be valid for personal data obtained on the Website, and is not applicable to information collected by third parties on other web pages, even if they are linked by the Website.

This policy has been configured scrupulously respecting the current regulations on the protection of personal data, that is, among others, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of people physical with regard to the processing of personal data (RGPD).

This demonstrates the commitment to maintain and guarantee commercial relations in a secure manner by protecting personal data and guaranteeing the right to privacy of each of the users of this website.

The User has the right to lodge a complaint at any time with their local Supervisory Authority. However, we would appreciate it if you would give us the opportunity to deal with his concerns before you approach his Supervisory Authority, so please contact us in the first instance.


What is the General Data Protection Regulation?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enters into force on May 25, 2018 and aims to protect all European citizens. It replaces the Data Protection Act (1998) and applies to companies (regardless of the location of the company) that process personal data about individuals in the EU.

What is considered “personal data”?

GDPR applies to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Collection and processing of personal data

What personal data do we collect?

We collect information to improve the shopping experience for all of our customers. We do not collect any type of personal data if you are only browsing the Website, except in the case described in our “Cookies Policy”. These are the types of information we collect:

Personal identity data: Name and surname, username and/or similar identifier, date of birth.

Personal contact information: Postal address, Email and Telephone numbers.

Financial data: Details of the credit card provided for orders.

Transaction Data: Details about payments made and received by you as well as your order history.

Technical data: IP address, location data as well as your login data.

Personal Profile Data: It consists of your username and password, the orders placed by you, your interests and preferences.

Personal Usage Data: Includes information about how you use our website and our services.

Marketing and Communications Data: Information about your preferences to receive commercial newsletters from us.

Any other personal information that you voluntarily provide to us.

Data Category

The data collected at no time is specially protected, but rather is categorized as identifying data. We do not collect any categories. We do not collect any special categories of personal data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data).

Flower shipment recipient data

In the use of the Services, the client/user must provide us with personal data of the recipients of the flowers and other shipments that they order from us (“Third Party Data”). The client/user is solely responsible for this Third Party Data, as “Responsible for the Treatment” to the extent that such treatment is regulated by the GDPR and its implementing regulations. Through the Website, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ provides a shipping service that includes the processing of this Third Party Data in the name and on behalf of the client, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ acting as “Treatment Manager” (for the purpose of providing the Service ).

To the extent that MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ “Treatment Manager” undertakes to (a) implement technical and organizational measures to safeguard Third Party Data from any unauthorized or illegal access, loss, destruction, theft, use or disclosure; ; (b) limit access to Third Party Data only to those employees and third party providers who need to know it to allow MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ the Services to fulfill the contract with MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ (in particular shipping and courier companies that collaborate with MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ only process the personal data specified in this Policy in accordance with the instructions provided by the user, which include the configuration of the User Account and its indications (orders on the Website), and (d ) not to use Third Party Data for purposes other than those related to the provision of the Services or in accordance with these instructions.

The user/client guarantees that they have the authorization to provide us with this Third Party Data and will indemnify us against any damage or loss (including fines and penalties) regarding the processing of this data during the provision of our services.

Except as indicated (for shipping purposes), we will not disclose Third Party Data to any third party without the prior written consent of the user or Third Party concerned.

Upon expiration or termination of the provision of the Service, due to the cancellation of the User Account, or at the express request of the client/user, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ will stop processing any Third Party Data associated with their account and will eliminate them, as indicated. in the Conditions of Use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Third Party had an account with us, their Data will continue to be processed by the Company in providing the Service to this new user.

Purposes How do we use your personal data?

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and its regulations, , MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ informs its clients and users that the data they provide us (through the Website and other communications) will be treated by himself as the Treatment Manager. Said data will be processed for the purpose of:

– Provide our sales service and delivery of our product catalog.

– Manage relationships and communications with our customers and users of the Website.

– Manage the list of subscribers and users attached to our commercial newsletter.

– Make our business contacts with other people who communicate with us regarding EL JARDÍN DEL ZOCO.

– Know the profile of our customers to carry out various marketing and advertising activities through contracted organizations to provide customer satisfaction in this context.

– Comply with our legal obligations and use our rights derived from current legislation.

As stated in the regulations, the USER is informed that, through the contact forms, or subscriptions, data is collected, which is stored in a file, with the exclusive purpose of sending electronic communications, such as: bulletins ( newsletters ), new entries (posts), commercial offers, as well as other communications that MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ deems interesting for its USERS. The fields marked as mandatory completion are essential to carry out the aforementioned purposes.


Thanks to the consent, we can process your data, which is a mandatory requirement to be able to place your orders, contact us through our website or subscribe to our newsletters.

You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Time of conservation of personal data

We will keep your data for the legally established time or until you request to delete it.

What systems do we use to collect your personal data?

From, we use different methods to collect data about you:

Contact form: There is a contact form whose purpose is to answer questions, suggestions or professional contact. In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them and send the information that the user requires through the web, this data will be stored on the servers.

Registration form and product purchase: Through the website, you can purchase products in our catalog. For this, data from the buyer and the recipient is required independently (Name, surname, address, telephone and e-mail, message or dedication and observations). Similarly, at the end of the payment process, the bank details of the buyer’s payment card will be required to complete the payment, whose details will be processed for this purpose by the secure online payment gateway.

Cookies: When the user registers or browses this website, “cookies” are stored. This type of technology installs a small amount of information on the user’s computer or other device to allow a website, for example, to recognize future visits using that computer or device. The Website may use other similar technologies (including, without limitation, tracking pixels, as described below, and other anonymous identifiers) to collect personal data, such as IP addresses and location data, to personalize your visit, to enable us to improve our service, or for other purposes. Please, for more details consult our Cookies Policy where you can expand the information on the use of cookies and how to deactivate them.

Tracking systems used on this site

Google (Analytics)

At, the preferences of its users, their demographic characteristics, their traffic patterns, and other information are studied together to better understand who constitutes their audience and what they need. Tracking our users’ preferences also helps us show you the most relevant ads.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company headquartered at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help https://www. to analyze the use made by users of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of https://www. (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

With whom do we share your personal information?

The exchange of personal data of our clients with third parties takes place within the framework of their consent and, as a rule, personal data is not transferred to third parties without the consent of our clients.

However, personal data is shared with courts and other public institutions due to our legal obligations. We work with external service providers, for example to prepare and deliver orders Contracted third-party services have access to personal information to provide the services we perform and to provide quality control of the services provided, but may not use it for other purposes. Technical and legal precautions are taken to avoid violations of rights during the transfer of data to third parties. However, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ will not be responsible for infringing the data protection policies of third parties and the risk area of responsibility of the third party.

Your personal data may be shared with;

Direct / indirect subsidiaries.

Institutions and organizations with which we have partnered to carry out our activities.

Institutions from which we obtain storage services for our data in the digital environment.

Contracted institutions that provide us with a service for sending commercial electronic messages to our clients.

Online payment services and contracted banks

Various domestic and foreign agencies, advertising companies, survey companies and other third parties, for marketing purposes, in order to provide you with customer service and satisfaction.


The services we provide are not directed to minors. In the event of being over thirteen years of age, you can register at without the prior consent of your parents or guardians. We do not knowingly collect personal data from persons under the age of 14 or an equivalent minimum age in the applicable jurisdiction.

If you are under 14 years of age, the consent of your parents or guardians will be a mandatory condition for us to process your personal data.

Warning: If you are under fourteen years of age and you have not obtained the consent of your parents, you cannot register on the web, so we will proceed to deny your request if we have proof of it.

Security measures

MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss and treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment All this in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

Likewise, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ has established additional measures in order to reinforce the confidentiality and integrity of the information in her organization. Continuously maintaining the supervision, control and evaluation of the processes to ensure respect for data privacy.

Likewise, as you can see, the website has an SSL certificate, which guarantees the security of your data.


When browsing our web pages, Internet servers will store your IP address in the access logs automatically and with the sole purpose of allowing Internet traffic, it being necessary for your computer to provide this IP address when browsing the Internet so that the communications can be made. Your IP address will also be used to compile statistics on the number of visitors to this website and their origin, in a completely transparent way to your browsing.

Revocation of Consent

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of June 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, you can oppose the use of your information for advertising purposes, market research or development of satisfaction surveys at any time. time, as well as revoke your consent at any time (without retroactive effect).

To do this, you must send an email to the address If you have received advertising by email, you can also oppose from said email, clicking on the link included in it following the instructions that are provided to you. Another easier way would be to access your user account and select the corresponding options.

Please keep in mind that our systems may require a period of time that in no case will exceed 48 hours for your opposition or revocation to become effective, it being understood that during said period of time you can continue receiving messages.

In relation to the management of your data associated with the social profiles of El Jardín del Zoco, the exercise of the right of access will depend on the functionality of the social network and the possibilities of access to the information of the user profiles. In relation to the rights of access and rectification, we recommend that it can only be satisfied in relation to that information that is under the control of MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ.

In addition, you can stop interacting, following or receiving information from the social profiles of MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ, eliminate the content that ceases to interest you or restrict who you share your connections with, through the mechanisms stipulated in the different social networks.

The user will be able to access the privacy policies of each Social Network, as well as configure their profile to guarantee their privacy. MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ encourages users to familiarize themselves with the conditions of use of the different social networks before starting to use them.





Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition

Those natural persons who have provided their data through, may contact the owner of the same in order to be able to freely exercise their rights of access to their data, rectification or deletion, limitation and opposition. regarding the data included in their files.

The fastest and easiest method would be to access your user account directly and modify your data or delete your user account. Any information that we need to store, by virtue of a legal or contractual obligation, will be blocked and only used for said purposes instead of being deleted.

You can direct your communications and exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition through postal mail at Centro Comercial El Zoco 24 Calahonda (29649) Mijas Costa or by email: together with valid legal proof , as a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent, indicating in the subject “DATA PROTECTION”.

Accuracy and veracity of the data

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data sent to MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ, exonerating the Provider from any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form. MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and for which another source is indicated, for which reason it does not assume any responsibility regarding hypothetical damages that could be caused by the use of said information. The Provider is exonerated from responsibility for any damage or loss that the User may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions, in the information provided by MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ as long as it comes from sources outside the company.

Responsible for the File and those in charge of the treatment

The person in charge of the data file is MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ

The user and, in general, any natural or legal person, may establish a hyperlink or technical link device (for example, links or buttons) from its website to (the “Hyperlink”). The establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between and the owner of the site or web page in which the Hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance or approval by MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ of its contents or services. In any case, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ reserves the right to prohibit or disable any Hyperlink to the Website at any time.

social plugins

On our website we offer you links and services related to the different social networks ( eg “Like” on Facebook). If you are a member of a social network and you click on the corresponding link, the provider of the social network may link your profile data with the information of your visit to said web page.

Therefore, it is convenient to inform you about the functions and policies on the processing of personal data of the respective social network, if you access one of our web pages with any of its profiles on social networks or share information through them.

You can access the privacy policies of the different social networks at any time, as well as configure your profile to guarantee your privacy. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the terms of use of said social networks before you start using them:





Links or external link

As a service to our visitors, our Website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by the Website. For this reason, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for, the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity and timeliness of the contents of such websites or their privacy practices. Please, before providing your personal information to these websites outside of, be aware that their privacy practices may differ from ours.

The sole purpose of the links is to provide the User with the possibility of accessing said links and learning about our work, although MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ does not offer or market the information, content and services available on the linked sites, by itself or through third parties, nor approves, supervises or controls in any way the contents and services and any material of any nature existing in them MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ is not responsible in any case for the results that may be derived to the User by accessing said links.

Commercial Mail

In accordance with the LSSICE, MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ does not engage in SPAM practices, and therefore does not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User. Consequently, in each of the forms on the Website, the User has the possibility of giving their express consent to receive our ” Newsletter “, regardless of the commercial information promptly requested.

Changes to this privacy policy

MARIA YOLANDA SANCHEZ-SERRANO GONZÁLEZ reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as industry practices. In such cases, the Provider will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of their implementation.

“This merchant undertakes not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them “. The following activities are prohibited under the card brands programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited:

“Sale of alcoholic beverages for minors under 18 years of age”